ETF s – Exchange Traded Funds – It’s What’s Inside that Count!

ETF, Easy to understand Analogy, How are they priced, Are they cheaper?, Are they Diversified?

ETF s – Exchange Traded Funds – It’s What’s Inside that Count!

In our previous entry about mutual funds and how they are best understood as simply a “bag” that holds investment assets. (Mutual Funds Explained, “Bag” Analogy ) Today we are going to delve into Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs.  I have some good news…….

If you understood our article on mutual funds, ETF’s will be REALLY easy to understand.  An ETF is simply another bag.  Lets take our grocery store analogy.  When you get to the check-out counter,  you are asked, “Paper or Plastic”?  Does the bag really impact what you eat for dinner or is it what your put inside the bag what matters?  Of course it’s what’s inside that counts!

It’s What’s Inside that Count!

Growing up, I heard the lesson time and time again, that its what’s inside that counts.  Meaning that a person’s character is the most important feature and its important to maintain good character.  The same is true for ETF’s.  By merely being an ETF, the investment is NOT automatically superior than a mutual fund! What are the assets invested in?  The thought process and analysis is the same as a mutual fund, what does the ETF or fund invest in?  Is it diversified, what are the objectives.

How are ETF’s Priced

With ETF’s I have to be careful to avoid getting too complicated.  So we are going to keep it as simple as possible.  In general, ETF’s will trade very close to their net asset value (what all the assets/investments inside the bag are worth, check out the mutual fund bag article for a better explanation).  I thought about giving the detail reason WHY but then decided that’s an advanced topic.  Just understand that they trade very close to what the assets are worth inside.

One difference from a mutual fund is that the ETF will trade throughout the day similar to a stock.  If you want to buy an etf at 7:45AM you can.  With a mutual fund, you would have to wait until the end of the day.  I think this is a minor point/issue with ETFs.  A long term investor should not care if the trade completes at 7AM vs the end of the day.  It does however, bring up an important point about ETFs.

Some ETF’s are not as liquid (don’t trade very often), so if you are placing a large trade relative to the volume for that ETF, you should be cautious.  This danger can be viewed as a hidden cost of an ETF as the price may move to be able to complete your trade.

ETF’s have a bid/ask spread.  Similar to a stock, an ETF has a price it can be bought for and a price it can be sold for.  This fact should be viewed as a transaction cost to the investor.  Some ETF’s have larger differences between the bid and the ask and therefore cost more.

Many times when comparing an ETF vs a mutual fund, people will forget the hidden cost of liquidity and big ask spreads when comparing to mutual funds.  It’s important to look beyond the expense ratios of the two investments.


ETF’s Are not Always Cheaper!

There seems to be an assumption that ETFs are always cheaper.  Often times they are but there are times they are not.  The expense ratio for Pimco’s Total Return ETF is higher than the Institutional Share class of the Total Return Mutual Fund.  If I have access to both investments, I would pick the mutual fund because the mutual fund has a lower expense ratio that negates some of the advantages to the long term investor the ETF might have.

The Take Away

Mutual funds and ETF’s are just bags or ways to hold assets.  Look inside them when evaluating what they do and how well they do it.  Do not assume ETF’s are cheaper.  Look at liquidity and bid-ask spreads to get the full picture.


** The information on this website is intended only for informational purposes. Investors should not act upon any of the information here. Reh Wealth Advisor clients should discuss with their advisor if any action is appropriate.


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Mutual Funds Explained, The “Bag Analogy”

Mutual Funds Explained, The “Bag Analogy”

Mutual Funds Explained, The "Bag Analogy"

Mutual Funds despite their wide use in 401k plans and by individual investors are still often misunderstood.  In this article, I hope to help you gain a greater understanding of these investment vehicles.

The “Bag Analogy”

I find analogies work well when trying to explain concepts.  I like using what I call the “Bag Analogy”.  Everyone understands what a bag is.  It can be brown bag from the grocery store, it can be a plastic bag, or it can be a duffel bag.  What is a bag’s purpose?  To hold “stuff”.

What is a mutual fund’s purpose?  To hold “stuff” (securities such as stocks and bonds).

If I told you had a brown bag, would you know what I had inside?  Could it be eggs? Golf Balls? Trash?  You really don’t know.  Similarly, if someone says I have a mutual fund.  Do you know what it invests in?  Do you know if it’s diversified?  What is its purpose?

A mutual fund can hold stocks, bonds, CD’s, other mutual funds, and other instruments.

It’s what is inside that count!

Similar to most bags, the value is what is inside.  Some mutual funds invest in stocks, some in bonds, and some in more complex strategies.  It important to understand what you are buying.

How are Mutual Funds Priced?

Open end mutual funds total up the value of all the investments owned (the “stuff” in the bag) at the  end of the day and then divide by the number of shares to come up a fair value of the price of the shares (The finance jargon for it is “net asset value”).  Let go back to the paper bag example.  Image you and 5 friends send someone to the grocery store to get groceries for dinner.  When they get back you have a bag full of groceries.  You then look at the value of the groceries (total asset value) and divide by the number of people (5 shares) and arrive at a fair price (net asset value).

The Take Away?

Understand that mutual funds are just a legal structure or “bag” that holds the investments.  The structure give you access to different investment strategies but for this article, I just want you to focus and understand that a mutual fund is mostly a structure and we look inside when making decisions about it.


Exchange Trade Funds (ETF s)- Check out our other Article

Check out my article other article that covers a similar investment vehicle here: ETF s – Exchange Traded Funds – It’s What’s Inside that Count!


Other Good Sources of information about mutual funds:

** The information on this website is intended only for informational purposes. Investors should not act upon any of the information here. Reh Wealth Advisor clients should discuss with their advisor if any action is appropriate.


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Auto Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, and Medical Insurance – Save Money by Self Insuring with a Higher Deductible

Saving Money Through Higher Deductibles

Have you saved up enough money for an emergency fund?  Have a liquid investment account that you could tap if you needed a couple grand? Consider saving yourself money by choosing a higher deductible automobile or homeowners policy and lowering your premium.  I would argue for most people that can stomach the idea of a higher deductible, they will realize true savings over their lifetime.  The same principles apply to business owners and self employed people when deciding their health plan.

I prefer to call the concept “self insuring”.  By selecting a higher deductible (amount you have to pay out if their is at at fault claim), you save money on your premium every year.  However, should you need to make a claim, you will have to pay more out of pocket for the repair.  In general, you need to be making claims every 2-3 years in order for the lower deductible to be a better deal.  Further, if you are making claims that often and they are relatively minor claims (backed into a pole at the super market), your premium rates are likely increasing because of the claims.

By taking the risk of the first $1k or $2k in out of pocket claims (deductible) vs the typical $500,  you will likely save a decent amount of money over the long haul.  So for that extra $500 to $1,500 of risk, you are being compensated for taking the risk away from the insurance company.  The most important part of your insurance, which is protecting you against catastrophic loss that could impact your ability to reach your goals and retire, remains protected.

For those who have control of their medical insurance options,  the same principles apply to medical insurance, with a high deductible plan will save you in premiums as you are self-insuring the first few thousand of claims and in most years you will benefit from the savings.   You also retain disaster coverage as your insurance starts to pick up the bill after the deductible is reached and most of these plans have a max out of pocket clause.

So when you review your insurance coverage, consider the deductible vs the potential savings from a lower premium.

** Please note, I do not sell property and casualty insurance.  As part of my fee-only service, I provide property and casualty insurance reviews as part of their financial/investment plans to ensure my clients are properly and efficiently protected.

**Information in this post is for educational purposes, please contact us for specific advice on your individual situation to determine what is appropriate. 

“Put” on Interest Rates – The 30 year Mortgage

The 30 year mortgage offers a valuable put for investors.  Often times, a mortgage is a large tool that can help in uncertain interest rate times.  The 30 year mortgage allows you to benefit if rates move up or down.

1) If rates rise, simply keep your mortgage and be thankful that you have a low interest rate.

2) If rates drop, refinance and lock in a new lower rate.

This valuable “put” or option, is a valuable tool in your complete financial plan.  Check out my more detailed article here:

Beware the 3 and 5 Year Numbers: 2015 Mutual Fund Analysis (Brightscope Article by Steve Reh)

Check out the article I wrote on Brightscope regarding analyzing your investment performance this year.

Beware the 3 and 5 Year Numbers: 2015 Mutual Fund Analysis

Beware the 3 and 5 Year Numbers: 2015 Mutual Fund Analysis


  1. Most advisors evaluate manager performance through an entire economic cycle
  2. Since 2008, market performance has been mostly up
  3. 3 and 5 year performance numbers do not include a down market
  4. Place greater emphasis on the 10 year performance number to capture the entire cycle.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contacting me.



** The information on this website is intended only for informational purposes. Investors should not act upon any of the information here. Reh Wealth Advisor clients should discuss with their advisor if any action is appropriate.